
Menstruation Diet: Dietitian/Nutritionist Ms. Deepti Khatuja – Lists Foods To Eat And Avoid | Foods To Add To Your Diet That Relieve Menstrual Pain | What to eat during periods – Know from experts what to eat and what not to eat during periods, right eating habits will remove stomach ache, cramps and mood swings. theinsiderinsight

Your diet should be like this during periods. What should be eaten the most during period?

Diet During Periods: Period is a condition in which women have to go through many physical and mental changes. During this period, many women have mood swings and also have severe pain at many places in the body. In such a situation, right diet gives you the strength to fight all these problems. Your diet during periods should be perfect so that you do not have to face any kind of problem. Let us know from Deepti Khanduja, Head of Dietetics FMRC, what should you include in your diet at this time.

What should be the diet during periods (Diet During Periods | Which Foods to Eat and Avoid During Your Period)

1. Green leafy vegetables

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During periods, you should include more and more seasonal and green leafy vegetables in your diet. The nutrients, minerals and iron present in it make your body healthy and provide strength to bear the changes and pain happening in the body.

2. Eat iron rich food

During periods, our body bleeds continuously for three to five days. This increases the risk of iron deficiency in the body. During this time, you should include such food in your diet which contains plenty of iron. Like poha, beetroot, green vegetables and all brown colored fruits and vegetables which are rich in iron.

3. Include Vitamin C in your diet

During periods, you should especially include Vitamin C rich foods in your diet. For this, you can mainly include seasonal fruits, guava, orange, and lemon in your diet. Consuming these helps in absorbing the iron you have consumed and is beneficial for your body.

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(Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your doctor for further details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. Does.)

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