
Eye Care After 30 Know Important Tips For Healthy Eyes – After 30 years, eyesight has started becoming blurry, then start doing these 7 things, you will never have to wear glasses again. theinsiderinsight

Eye Care: Just do these things, your eyesight will become brighter.

special things

  • Eyesight has started weakening.
  • So start doing these 7 things.
  • Never have to wear glasses again.

Eye Care Tips: To maintain good eyesight as age increases, it is important to pay attention to eye health. After the age of thirty, problems related to eyesight start starting. More eye care should be started from this age. Our eyes start working as soon as we are born. By the time a person reaches the age of 30, the eyes of any person have seen the world for 2 lakh hours. These include natural things like sunlight, trees and plants to artificial things like light emanating from the screen and artificial light. All these cause some pressure on the eyes due to which the health of the eyes is affected. Let us know some tips to maintain better eye health after the age of 30 (Eye Care after 30).

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UV light protection

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Safety sunglasses or UV goggles should be used to protect the eyes from UV light while staying in sunlight for a long time. This becomes more important if you have light skin, live at high altitude or work that requires you to be outdoors for long periods of time. UV light damages the eyes and increases the risk of cataracts and age-related eye diseases like retinopathy.

drink lots of water

Our eyes contain a large amount of water and are protected by the tear film. Tear film is water based. Tear films are made up of water as well as electrolytes, proteins and enzymes. Our eyes become dry due to prolonged exposure to screens and staying in air-conditioned rooms. Drinking plenty of water can help keep your eyes moist. Moist eyes are happy eyes. They help you see better by reducing eye strain.

Eye exercises how to improve vision in 7 days exercise

To maintain good eyesight, it is important to do eye exercises. For this, it is necessary to participate in outdoor activities to look at the distant horizon. Studies have found that children who play outside for two hours and participate in outdoor activities have less risk of myopia or poor eyesight. Eye exercises like pencil pushups can strengthen the eye muscles and prevent eyesight from deteriorating as we age.

balance diet

A diet rich in vitamins A, C and E, antioxidants and essential fatty acids like zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin is good for eye health. These micronutrients are found in abundance in green leafy vegetables, carrots, beetroot, almonds, eggs, fish, avocado, peach, citrus fruits and gooseberry.

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