Sun Exposure For Vitamin D: This way the body will get Vitamin D in abundance.
Vitamin D Deficiency: Vitamin D is required for the body to function properly and to stay safe from many health related problems. Deficiency of Vitamin D also causes calcium deficiency in the body because Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium better. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D, pain in bones and muscles also starts. At the same time, feeling depressed and not in good mood are also included in the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. In such a situation, sunlight is taken to prevent deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. Sunlight is the main source of Vitamin D. But, it is important to keep in mind how long exposure to sunlight is sufficient to get Vitamin D.
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Sources of Vitamin D Vitamin D Sources
Sunlight is the main source of Vitamin D. The best time to sit in the sun to get Vitamin D is considered to be from 10 am to 3 pm. If you sit in the sun for even 15 minutes during this time, the body gets a good amount of Vitamin D. Taking sunlight for between 15 to 30 minutes is good for health.
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Vitamin D is also available from food
- The body can get good amount of Vitamin D from fishes. A good amount of Vitamin D is found in fishes like trout, salmon, sardine and tuna.
- Mushrooms are also a good source of Vitamin D. Mushrooms provide not only Vitamin D but also calories, fat, protein and minerals to the body.
- Milk and curd can also be included in the diet to get Vitamin D. Apart from this, you can buy Vitamin D fortified milk separately.
- Soy milk is also a good source of Vitamin D. With this the body also gets protein and calcium.