There are only a few days left for the first phase of Lok Sabha elections to begin, but despite the official announcement, tickets are being changed in the Samajwadi Party. SP has so far changed tickets on more than 8 Lok Sabha seats. After the cancellation of Atul Pradhan's ticket in Meerut, there is a strong discussion about changing the ticket on many more Lok Sabha seats. Meanwhile, there is a strong discussion about SP giving ticket to some other face in place of Ravidas Mehrotra from Lucknow. However, SP MLA and former minister Ravidas Mehrotra is calling it just a rumour.
While talking to Aaj Tak, Ravidas said that it is my endeavor to strengthen the party at the booth level and as per the instructions of Akhilesh Yadav, I can go door to door and propagate the policies of SP. From the day my name was announced, I have been continuously working on it. I am also working with my co-workers. Regarding the news of ticket being canceled, Ravidas said that there is no such thing, the party is watching my work and SP National President Akhilesh Yadav is not angry with me, these things are baseless.
Ravidas said that this time the lotus flower will not be allowed to bloom in Lucknow and the cycle wheel will bring the capital back on the track of development. However, when Akhilesh Yadav was questioned in Kannauj about continuously changing tickets, he said that all this is common in elections, the party should perform better, this has been the effort of every leader. However, not only SP, BSP has also changed its candidates twice and Congress once.
On the other hand, BJP has cornered SP over its constantly changing candidates. BJP is saying that SP is not finding the candidates it is looking for. On this, SP has hit back at BJP changing the ticket of Barabanki MP.