
Solar Eclipse: Thousands of people gathered in North America's resorts to see the amazing astronomical phenomenon – Solar Eclipse: Thousands of people gathered in North America's resorts to see the amazing astronomical phenomenon theinsiderinsight

Mazatlan, Mexico:

Millions of people in North America were extremely excited about the total solar eclipse on Monday. People watching the solar eclipse were definitely a little disappointed to see the clouds visible in the sky, although it did not have much impact. In western Mexico when the moon appears in front of the sun and blocks its light. The total eclipse will be visible starting from western Mexico to the US and Canada and will last for more than four minutes in some places.

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Mexico's coastal city of Mazatlan became the first place in North America where people gathered to watch the solar eclipse. Thousands of people gathered along the coastal promenade. People were seen sitting on deck chairs with glasses to watch the solar eclipse while an orchestra played the “Star Wars” theme.

43-year-old Lourdes Coro traveled 10 hours by car to reach there. “The last time I saw him was when I was 9 years old,” Coro said. “There are some clouds but we can still see the sun.”

Wherever this solar eclipse will be seen, a large number of people have gathered there and special preparations have been made for it. At Frontier Town Campground in New York, children were running around wearing eclipse T-shirts, while their parents made special preparations to see this amazing sight.

This will last for 4 minutes and 28 seconds. It will last longer than the solar eclipse seen in parts of the US in 2017, which lasted 2 minutes and 42 seconds. According to NASA, a total solar eclipse can last from 10 seconds to about seven and a half minutes at any place.

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