
Student falls asleep in class every day, teacher carries him home on his shoulders, reason will make him emotional – China teacher carries student severe sleep disorder home on his back 2 year TSTM theinsiderinsight

Generally, if a child falls asleep while studying in school, he is sure to be scolded by the teacher. But in a school in China, a teacher carries one of his students who falls asleep in class on his back in the car every day and takes him to his home. It sounds strange, why would a teacher do this?

Xu Longjun, a teacher at Chongqing Dianjiang Secondary School in southwestern China, was seen on a CCTV camera carrying a teenage boy on his shoulders across the school campus on March 7, local news outlet reported.

Later it came to light that for two years, Ju used to take the boy in his car every day to his home where he was looked after by his grandparents. The child has narcolepsy, which causes excessive sleep. The victim becomes so sleepy even during the day that it can be difficult to wake them up.

According to news outlet The Paper, this rare disease affects only 0.03 to 0.16 percent of the population in the world. It can occur at any age but is more common in teenage boys. Huang Shichang, a doctor at Peking University No. 1, told that if the condition does not improve, victims may gradually lose their memory, ability to concentrate and coordination skills.

Xu said he first saw Yinyuanco sleeping in class two years ago. He sprinkled water on the boy's face and pinched him in an attempt to wake him up, but it was of no use. The teacher informed Yinyuan's family and asked them to take him to the hospital. Here the doctors found the boy suffering from narcolepsy. Despite treatment, the boy's condition has not improved but there has been some improvement. He now has fewer sleeping attacks.

Xu said that he took care of the boy and brought him home because he could meet with an accident. Xu admitted, carrying the boy, who weighs about 40 kilograms, on his shoulders from the basement classroom to the parking lot. He said I have to walk slowly so that he does not fall. Yinyuan's parents are divorced and he lives with his grandparents. His grandparents said- Because of Teacher Xu's help, we gathered courage to send the child to school otherwise it would have been impossible.

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