
Support For Our Government Is Increasing Even After The Second Term: PM Modi – There is a system of feedback in India, this is the reason for the progress of democracy: PM Modi theinsiderinsight

Newsweek spoke to PM Modi about India's economic progress under his leadership, infrastructure development, environmental issues, India's relations with China and the alleged curtailment of press freedom, apart from not taking Muslims along. Like written questions were asked regarding the allegations and the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He gave series of answers to these questions.

upcoming lok sabha elections
PM Modi said that we have an excellent track record of fulfilling our promises. This is a big deal for people, because they were used to hearing promises that were never fulfilled. Our government has worked with the motto of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas”.

He said that people are confident that if someone else has benefited from our programs then it will reach them too. People have seen that India has moved from the 11th largest economy to the fifth largest economy. Now the country's aspiration is that India should soon become the third largest economy in the world.

Democracy and freedom of the press
PM Modi said that, we are a democracy, not only because it is said so in our Constitution, but also because it is in our genes. India is the mother of democracy. In Uttaramerur, Tamil Nadu, you can see 1100 to 1200 years old inscriptions about the democratic values ​​of India. More than 600 million people voted in the 2019 general elections in the world's largest democracy. Now in a few months, more than 970 million eligible voters will exercise their right to vote. More than 10 lakh polling stations will be built across India. The continuously increasing voter participation is a great proof of people's faith in Indian democracy.

PM Modi said, “A democracy like India is able to grow and function only because there is a vibrant feedback mechanism. Our media plays an important role in this direction. We have about 1.5 lakh registered media publications and hundreds of news There are channels.”

There are some people in India and the West who have lost their thought processes, emotions and aspirations along with the people of India. These people also live in their own echo chambers of alternate realities. They rally people with inconsistent dubious claims about reduced media freedom.

Infrastructure and Environment
PM Modi said that, in the last decade, the pace of change in infrastructure in India has increased. In the last 10 years, our national highway network has increased by 60 percent. It was 91,287 kilometers in 2014, which has increased to 146,145 kilometers in 2023. Our airports have doubled. It was 74 in 2014, which has increased to more than 150 in 2024. We have increased the capacity of our ports. We have started tech-smart “Vande Bharat” trains for the convenience of our citizens and launched the UDAN scheme to provide flight facilities to the common people.

PM Modi said that, there is no contradiction between building our physical infrastructure and our commitment to fight climate change. In fact, India offers a credible model of how to develop infrastructure and still be at the forefront of mitigating climate change. Be it lighting 10 million homes through the Roof Top Solar Program or empowering farmers through solar powered pumps, be it distributing 400 million energy efficient bulbs or ensuring the installation of 13 million efficient streetlights or Then there is the fastest adoption of EVs… be it airports, railway stations or bridges, our infrastructure is taking advantage of renewable energy.

India's competition with China
PM Modi said that, as a democratic polity and global economic growth engine, India is a natural choice for those who want to diversify their supply chains. We have undertaken transformative economic reforms. GST, corporate tax cuts, Bankruptcy Code, reforms in labor laws, relaxation in FDI norms… these important reforms have led to ease of doing business. We are trying to align our regulatory framework, our taxation practices as well as our infrastructure to global standards. We believe that if a country whose population is one-sixth of the world adopts global standards in these areas, it will have a huge positive impact on the world.

Given our strengths, India is now considered best suited to manufacture world class goods at globally competitive costs. Apart from production, the huge Indian domestic market is an additional attraction for the world. India is an ideal location for those who want to establish a reliable and flexible supply chain.

Digital Payment and UPI
PM Modi said that, I think there are three important lessons from the success of UPI. First of all, the way was opened for technology, which should be interoperable, scalable and secure. Second, technology should be democratized. Third, people should be trusted to rapidly adopt technology and develop.

He said that UPI is a great example of Indian innovation. I see UPI as a simple tool that broke countless barriers, from financial barriers to geographical barriers. It has opened up the world of digital transactions to the person standing at the last mile.

Modi said that we have extensive economic relations with America. Additionally, there is a large Indian diaspora, significant two-way tourist traffic, and more than 300,000 Indian students pursuing higher education in the United States. Given this strong relationship, it would be mutually beneficial if UPI services are made available in America.

Partnership in economic development and the challenge of maintaining its momentum
PM Modi said that today India has favorable demography. We are a young country with an average age of 28 years. We are committed to utilize this demographic dividend to transform India into a developed country by 2047. I would not like to make comparisons with China and Japan because each country faces unique challenges and has unique development models. India has a unique cultural and social ethos. We have a culture of savings here. There is also a unique model of family-oriented lifestyle that puts values ​​at the center. In such a system no member of the family is unproductive. We are also focused on developing the full potential of our youth and making them resilient and adaptable to future disruptions.

Has connection with NRIs even before coming into politics
PM Modi said, “My association with our Indian diaspora goes back a long way. Even before I entered politics, I used to work as an activist, since then I have been associated with the Indian diaspora. In those days, I spent the entire Traveled extensively in the US. Even before becoming the Chief Minister of Gujarat, I had visited about 29 states. At that time, Delta Airlines used to have a scheme which offered unlimited discounted travel for a month. I Planned my trips carefully. I took red-eye flights to ensure seat availability. I chose long flights to avoid hotel stays. In the morning one of the NRIs picked me up. So I spent the whole day with them. I watched them closely and got to know them well over time. I understood their potential, strengths and desires, but they lacked support and guidance.”

There is no discrimination against minorities in our country
PM Modi said, “These are the normal habits of some people, who do not bother to meet people outside their circle. Even the minorities of India do not accept this anymore. Minorities of all religions, be they Muslims or Be it Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain or even Parsi community, all of them are living happily and thriving in India. There is no discrimination against minorities in our country.” Modi said, “There is no discrimination against minorities in any scheme of the central government. Be it facilities like house, toilet, water connection or cooking fuel… the schemes of the central government are implemented without regard to community and religion. “Without reaching every citizen.”

women are becoming empowered
During this, PM Modi mentioned the schemes of his government, which have been made especially keeping women in mind. The PM said that 'NaMo Drone Didi Scheme' enables women to become drone operators in rural areas. 30 million women of self-help groups are being economically empowered through 'Lakhpati Didi Yojana'. Lakhs of women are benefiting from this.

Modi said, “About 15 percent of all pilots in India are women, which is the highest in the world. Despite immense difficulties caused by the pandemic, the female labor force participation rate is expected to increase from 23 percent in 2017 to 37 percent in 2023.” Is.”

Narendra Modi said, “I am the first Prime Minister of India who spoke on issues like toilets and sanitary pads. I had talked about respecting women and their choices in my address from the ramparts of the Red Fort on Independence Day. Be it India, or any part of the world, we all need to do more to ensure the safety of women.”

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