
The child was taken out of his father's lap and insisted on sitting in God's lap, know the story of Dhruv Tare theinsiderinsight

The most famous incident in the Vanparva of Mahabharata is the conversation between Yaksha and Yudhishthir. This very rare and mysterious conversation is known as Yaksha Prashna. The story is such that one day during their exile, the Pandava brothers felt thirsty. In such a situation, Sahadev, who was the youngest brother, went in search of drinking water. A pond was visible at some distance. As soon as Sahdev bent down to drink water, a sound coming from some direction stopped him. However, the youngest Pandava, ignoring that voice, fell unconscious as soon as he drank the water. The same fate happened to Nakul, Arjun and Bhima one by one.

After this, it was Yudhishthir's turn. When Yudhishthir asked the person who gave the voice to come forward, that Yaksha came forward. After this, Yaksha asked Yudhishthir many questions related to philosophy of life, spiritual and spiritual matters.
For example… who is bigger than the earth? Who is higher than the sky? What is soul? What is life? What is the purpose of life? What is fate? What is happiness and sorrow? What is the biggest surprise and what is the highest point? These questions are similar to those which Nachiketa asked Yama and in Kathopanishad this incident has been called curiosity towards life.

The stories of Vedic and mythological history are witness to the fact that the curiosity to know life has remained in every era and in every time. In fact, life is so uncertain that it has been very difficult to understand. These question-answer-like incidents that happen from time to time have been making this difficulty a little easier. The story of Nachiketa is not the first or the last story to understand life. A similar child character has also been mentioned in Vishnu Purana. He was also an innocent child of five years, who was deeply shocked when his stepmother took him out of his father's lap. Now he wanted to find that place, which was higher and greater than his father's lap, but which place is that? This question was a big problem and also another page of mystery and curiosity of human life.

The story of child Dhruv is of Satyayug. The greatness of the lineage in which he was born can be understood from the fact that Manu and Shatarupa were his grandparents. Manu-Shatarupa have got the status of being the first couple in mythology. The story says that Brahma created Manu from his right side and Shatarupa from his left side. Manu was a man and Shatarupa was a woman. Both of them got married and the rituals of marriage started in human life.

Uttanpad was the younger son of Manu-Shatarupa. With time Uttanpad Chakravarti became the emperor and married two daughters named Suniti-Suruchi. Suniti was a great queen, but Mohit Raja loved her more because of her beauty. One day Maharaj Uttanpad was sitting on the throne with his younger queen Suruchi and her son Uttam. Meanwhile, a small five year old boy, Dhruv, reached the Rajya Sabha while playing.

Dhruv also sat on his father's lap due to affection, but Suruchi could not bear it. While taking Dhruv from the lap of the king, she said, if you want to get the right to sit in the lap of the king, then do penance to God and get the right to be born from my womb. The innocent child Dhruv could not understand this, but due to being scolded, he cried and went to his mother.

Suniti listened to him completely and said, 'Son! Really, I am unfortunate. But, your mother has said one thing right, if you want to sit then get the right to sit in the lap of Lord Narayana. The mother had said this casually to calm the child, but this thing stuck in Dhruv's mind. He believed with a pure heart that Lord Vishnu could make everything possible.

Now Dhruv had decided to do penance. When he asked his mother for permission, she laughed and avoided it, but she did not know what a tough decision her innocent son had taken in his mind. This decision gave Dhruv so much courage that one night the five-year-old innocent boy left the palace and started on the path of penance.

Dhruv did not know where to go, but still he was moving forward with determination. A scary forest came ahead, but if one has taken a difficult decision then what is home and what is forest. Dhruv continued walking in the forest without fear. To probe his mind, God sent Devarshi Narad.

Narada Muni listened to Dhruv's entire statement and said, “Son, you are still very young, what can be considered an insult at this age? You be happy and go home. Eat, play, enjoy. It is difficult to meet God. Despite Devarshi's words, there was no change in Dhruv's determination. He said in his sweet dialect that I have to find God, if you know his address then please give it, otherwise I will ask someone else. Seeing the determination of the child, Narada Muni was very impressed and made him his disciple. Seeing Dhruv's complete faith, Devarshi decided to give him the mantra to attain God.

Dhruv was blessed by Narada and found a way to meet Narayan. Devarshi advised him to initiate the twelve syllable mantra of Lord Vishnu 'Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay' and do penance by chanting it. Following the advice of Sage Narada, Dhruv went to Madhuvan on the banks of river Yamuna and started penance. During this period there were many storms. The effect of cold and heat increased, but Dhruv's penance did not stop. First he used to eat fruits, then he started doing penance by drinking only water, then he started living by eating leaves and one day he gave up even this in penance.

Despite this, when Lord Vishnu did not come to give darshan, Dhruv decided to stop breathing through pranayam. Now even Lord Vishnu could not bear the pain of Dhruv's penance and Goddess Lakshmi's love also got disturbed. Narayan immediately reached Madhuvan riding on Garuda and appeared before Dhruva.

Pleased with his penance, God appeared before him and made him sit in his lap. As soon as he sat on her lap, Dhruv saw millions of suns, moons and galaxies around him. He got scared then God said, this is the highest place son. Saying this, God touched his conch on the head of Dhruva. As soon as he touched the conch, Dhruv got all the knowledge which even the great Hatha Yogis are not able to know.

Now Dhruv did not want anything. He did not ask for any boon. Seeing his selfless devotion, God was so pleased that he made him the lord of Dhruvaloka and gave his name to the star which remains steadfast in the constellations. pole Star. This star, which appears in the north direction in the sky, is a symbol of perseverance, unwavering faith and hard work. Saptarishi Mandal itself revolves around it. Even today, when someone's determination and unshakable faith has to be mentioned, only Dhruv Tara comes to mind.

When this story of Dhruv is narrated in Bhagwat etc., one more name comes forward along with it. This is Prishnigarbha. Actually, Prishnigarbha is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. His father's name was Sutap and mother's name was Prishni. In Swayambhu Manvantar, Sutap and Prishni had expressed their desire to get a son like them from Lord Vishnu by doing severe penance. Then God gave him a boon that he would become his son thrice.

In Swayambhu Manvantar, both of them were blessed with a son and because of his birth from Prishni, he was named Prishnigarbha. Sutap and Prishni took second birth as Kashyap and Aditi and then they had a child in the form of Vaman Dev. In Dwaparyuga, he got Lord Krishna as his child in the form of Vasudev and Devaki. According to the story, it was Prashnigarbha who created Dhruvaloka, where Dhruva later got a place.

It is mentioned in Mahabharata that Prishnigarbha is a name of Shri Krishna. In fact, in every Manvantar, the same story of mythological characters appears in different forms. Behind every incident, an earlier incident has come to the fore as its cause. Like different couples at different times had desired to have a son like Lord Vishnu. Among them were Manu-Shatarupa, Kashyap Rishi and Aditi, Atri-Anusuiya and Prajapati Sutap-Prishni. In their respective times, all of them had done penance to Lord Vishnu and asked for him as their child. Therefore, when Dhruv did penance, Lord Vishnu handed him over to him the world created by Dhruv of Prishnigarbha.

This story of Dhruva described in Vishnu Purana tells us that if the human mind is determined, it cannot do anything. This story is not only an inspiration for devotion, but is also a criterion for understanding life, in the framework of which it can be measured how true the new generation and future leaders are.

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