In Banda, Uttar Pradesh, the police has launched a checking campaign in view of the Lok Sabha elections. During a tip-off, the police tried to stop two vehicles with Madhya Pradesh number plates. But the car drivers started abusing and hit the police car itself. In this incident, 5 policemen including SOG in-charge were injured. When the police checked the car, a consignment of ganja was found in it. Whose price is being estimated at Rs 10 lakh.
Police have arrested 4 vicious accused from the spot and sent them to jail. Also, a case has been registered and legal action has been initiated. The arrested accused are residents of Madhya Pradesh and Banda. He was doing drug business for a long time. Actually, the police of Atarra police station was conducting a checking campaign near Pachokhar village regarding the Lok Sabha elections. Intensive search of all the vehicles, checking of driving license, seat belt, helmet etc. was going on. At the same time, on receiving information, two luxury vehicles from Madhya Pradesh which were illegally loaded with ganja were seized. She was coming at high speed.
Ganja smugglers hit police car
When the police tried to stop them, the accused used bullying and abusing and hit the police car. About half a dozen police staff, including the inspector sitting in the vehicle, were slightly injured. He was immediately admitted to the District Hospital Trauma Center by the supporting police personnel. Police recovered 60 kg of illegal ganja from both the luxury vehicles and arrested 4 smugglers.
Police arrested four ganja smugglers
On this matter, ASP Lakshmi Niwas Mishra said that a checking campaign is being conducted. In the sequence of which, SOG, Surveillance and police of the police station recovered illegal ganja worth Rs 10 lakh from two luxury vehicles. All four accused have been arrested and sent to jail. This matter is being investigated seriously.