
'PM Modi is now the face of India', US congressman, an admirer of the Indian Prime Minister, said this on Russia – US congressman praises Prime Minister Narendra Modi says PM Modi is now the face of India ntc theinsiderinsight

'Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become the face of India', says an American lawmaker who has praised the Indian Prime Minister for the development work and economic progress done in the country since 2014. Brad Sherman, considered one of India's best friends in the US Congress, said that bilateral relations between India and America have strengthened during the tenure of Prime Minister Modi.

However, he said that defense relations between Russia and India are a challenge for India-US relations. In an interview given to news agency PTI on Tuesday, Sherman said, 'PM Modi has become the face of India and we have seen economic progress. Obviously every country has challenges and every leader is facing challenges.

'Trade between India and America is skyrocketing'

Sherman said, 'I do not give credit for the success of any country to just one leader. More than 1.3 billion people are working together and trying to make India successful. Senior Democrat Sherman is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and has been working on India-US relations for the last 28 years. Sherman said, 'India-America relations have become very strong. Trade between America and India is skyrocketing.

'Relations with Russia a challenge to India-US relations'

He said that there is no doubt that Indian-Americans are the most educated and have the highest income compared to all ethnic groups in America. Sherman said that he wants to see trade relations between the two countries expand.

Sherman said that India's defense relationship with Russia continues and this is a challenge for US-India relations. He said that at present our relations with Russia are not good. We all hope for a successful resolution of the war in Ukraine and I think this will certainly be of great help to the whole world.

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