The release date of Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan's upcoming film Maidan has been postponed. On Monday (April 8), Ajay shared a poster and other details about the film's release on Instagram. It is written on the poster, “Paid previews will start at 6 pm on 10th April and the film will hit theaters on 11th April. Mark the date on your calendar. Maidan will be released overseas on 10th April. The film will also release in India on 10th April.” It was going to be released only.
What is the field?
Maidan is a period sports drama. It tells about the golden period of Indian football in the 1950s and early 60s under the leadership of coach Syed Abdul Rahim. Ajay is in the role of a coach in the film directed by Amit Sharma. Priyamani, Gajraj Rao and Rudranil Ghosh also play important roles in the film. The film is produced by Zee Studios, Boney Kapoor, Arunav Joy Sengupta and Akash Chawla.
Amit praised Ajay Devgan
Recently, while talking to news agency PTI, Amit said about Ajay, “If a superstar agrees to work in a film then it is an advantage because the earnings of the film will be huge. When Ajay Devgan sets But whenever he came, he used to stop. Ajay Devgan has a personality on the outside, and his character enters like Syed Abdul Rahim. He used to come to the set prepared with his dialogues. Not even once did he say, 'Trousers loose' Hey, how am I looking?' He would say, 'Tell me what you want me to do, I will do it.' He is a director's actor.”
Amit talked about comparing Maidan with Chak De
A section of social media users noted the similarity between Maidan and the 2007 hit 'Chak De India' in which a former hockey player (Shah Rukh Khan) becomes the coach of a girls hockey team and proves himself. On this, Amit said, “The difference between Chak De India and Maidan is that it was a fictional story but Maidan is a true story. If you talk about the dream of a person who is trying to bring glory to India through sports. So that feeling is also the same. But everyone's feelings will be the same, this is in '83 also.”